Lewis Smith is a poet of reality, a parody of the fun carefree lower officials to push the boundaries of professional propriety. Noel Edmonds began his career as a usurpation of Radio 1 breakfast show DJ, confusing listeners assuming various forms in its function as a Christmas phone call funny. But prank broadcasting is essentially a radiophone form, use the phone and growing translucent. What has been done in public Candid Camera, Noel House Party do to celebrities at the Gotcha! sequence. In the sixties camera impartial exploit new technologies and popular credulity for members of the film community in an embarrassing situation for comedic entertainment. In 1938, Orson Welles' War of the Worlds, the nation rested, it was an invasion from another planet, only the new radio guy treaty. Silver turning the hearing then you can, they can lead to terror. Therefore, the liquidation has become one. The third CD Penk liquidation must be completed in many Christmas stockings, the number reached about two seconds in the table of prices among the years.

Penk has just signed a new contract with Capital Radio London for £ 1.5 million per year - more than Chris Tarrant made to the station. It has certainly worked for DJ Steve Penk, who is responsible for the spoof phone call from Tony Blair in January, when "William Hague" offered to send copies of our beloved leader training video of Cher to get. A tip of the millennium about how rich quackish get: people of the wind on the radio.