by selecting the category tabs below! Save time. Switch between ROMs, Emulators, Music, Scans, etc. Tsugu-Min (new character) Beat the game on Easy difficulty. As of Septemit has been released worldwide. The game was released in Japan on May 12, 2009, PAL Regions on September 4, 2009, and North America on September 7, 2009. Hacking Contra ReBirth wad not working Thread starter MuBa Start date Views 4,741 Replies 7 M. WiiWare Contra ReBirth NTSC-UWAD WiiWare FAST Racing League NTSC-U WiiWare Final. It is the twelfth original installment in the Contra series, being part of Konami's ' ReBirth ' series, along with Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth and Gradius ReBirth. Contra Encyclopedia home page Contra ReBirth main page Select a section: CheatsCHEATS Debug Menu: NOTE: This code only works on the PAL version of Contra. USBLoaderGX is a GUI for Waninkokos USB Loader, based on libwiigui. Plissken (new character) Beat the game on Normal difficulty. Where i can find wads of virtual consoles for wii Download USBLoaderGX for free. Guide: Best Switch RPGs - 20 Essential Role-Playing Games. Nightmare (new difficulty) Beat the game on Hard difficulty.

Console Hacking > Wii Hacking > Wii WADs > Virtual Console > Nintendo 64 To install these wads, you'll need the Wad Manager Homebrew App or channel and a custom IOS (cIOS). Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth ( ReBirth, Dorakyura Densetsu Ribsu, The Legend of Dracula ReBirth) is a side-scrolling action platform game developed by M2, and released by Konami for the Wii in 2009 as a WiiWare title.